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Important information

Target audience

AudienceFrench citizens, Statutory refugees, Beneficiaries of subsidiary protection, Stateless people, Beneficiaries of temporary protection


Free of charge


Be in possession of a residence permit or a receipt
Be in possession of the birth certificate issued by OFPRA

Where is it?

Entering into a civil partnership in France (PACS)

Updated on 2 years ago

What is it?

The PACS (civil solidarity pact) is a contract between two adults (man/woman, 2 women or 2 men), to organize life together. It is more flexible and requires fewer commitments than marriage. In particular, it is easier to break a PACS (by simple declaration) than a marriage.

The Pacs gives advantages :

  • for taxes (constitution of a common tax household),
  • for social cover (the partner who does not benefit from social cover can benefit from the cover of his partner if he is dependent on him),
  • for donations and inheritances (costs are reduced - example: no inheritance tax payable in the event of the death of the partner).
The Pacs is free.

To enter a PACS:

  • the partners agree to have a common residence.
  • both partners must be of legal age in their country of origin and must not already be married or in a civil partnership
  • the two partners must not have a direct family link between them ( example: parents / children, grandparents / grandchildren, brother / sister, half-brother / half-sister, uncle or aunt / niece or nephew, step-sister mother or stepfather / stepson or stepdaughter ). It is possible to pacser between first cousins.
The PACS can be concluded between two French, a French and a foreigner or two foreigners.

How to do it?

Before starting the procedures, it is advisable to check with the town hall of your place of residence to check the list of documents to be provided, the deadlines, etc.

The two partners must draw up and sign a PACS agreement. There are several possibilities for this:

  • A model PACS agreement is available on the Internet ( model agreement: Cerfa form n ° 15726 );
  • A notary can draw up the agreement;
  • The partners can write the agreement independently, in this case, it is a personalized agreement.
    The agreement must include the following text : "We, X and Y (name and first name of the partners), conclude a civil solidarity pact governed by the provisions of the law of November 15, 1999 as amended and articles 515-1 to 515-7 of the Civil Code. "
A single agreement must be drawn up for both partners.

The Pacs folder consists of:

  • The Pacs agreement (see step 1),
  • The form completed “joint declaration of a civil solidarity pact (Pacs) and sworn statements of non-kinship, non-alliance and common residence”.
    This form is available on the Internet ( Cerfa n° 15725 ). In particular, he asks for information on the identity of the two partners and their parentage.
  • The birth certificate of less than 3 months for a French person,
  • The original copy, less than 3 months old, of the certificate in lieu of a birth certificate, issued by the Ofpra , for a refugee,
  • A valid identity document (1 original and 1 photocopy),
  • A certificate of non-PACs issued by the central civil status service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
    To obtain it, you must complete the Cerfa form n° 12819-06 , available on the Internet, and send it by post to the central service at the following address:

Service central d'état civil - Ministère chargé des affaires étrangères - Département « Exploitation »

Section Pacs

11 rue de la Maison Blanche

44941 Nantes Cedex 09

The non-Pacs certificate can also be completed directly on the Internet by an online service, with a France Connect account.

The certificate of custom is no longer necessary to register in France for refugees, beneficiaries of subsidiary protection and stateless persons.

>> You can find out more by reading the sheet: Obtaining a Customs Certificate

Please note, if you are a widow or a widower, you must provide:

  • the family record book corresponding to the former union mentioning the death (1 original and 1 photocopy),
  • OR the complete copy of the birth certificate of the ex-spouse with mention of the death,
  • OR the complete copy of the death certificate of the ex-spouse.

Once the file has been compiled, you can make an appointment at the town hall to have the Pacs registered. The appointment can be made by telephone or on the Internet for certain town halls.

Once the file has been established, you will have to go to the town hall together (the two partners) with the complete file. The PACS cannot be registered if the file is incomplete.

On written request, some town halls may offer to organize a ceremony: check with your town hall.

What happens next?

It is possible to dissolve a Pacs if you no longer wish to be civil partners.

The whole process is explained here.

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