Important information
With Association for the Recognition of Homosexual and Trans People's Immigration and Residence Rights (ARDHIS)
Target audience
Availability requested
Get social support
What is it?
A social support center reserved for LGBTQI+ newcomers (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer, intersex, asexual).
Every week, it is possible to make an appointment for help in different areas:
- emergency help (find day centers and food distributions, contact 115, etc.)
- papers (apply for a residence permit, exchange your driving license, have a domicile, etc.)
- health (find a medical center, make an appointment with a psychologist, etc.)
- professional integration (register with Pôle Emploi or the local mission, look for work or training, etc.)
- accommodation (apply for accommodation, etc.).
Why is it interesting?
The association helps you to find out about your rights and to complete applications and renewals.
For example: application form for social housing, form for the Complémentaire Santé Solidaire (CSS/ ex-CMU), discount for the Navigo pass, CAF benefits, Pôle Emploi registration, renewal of a residence permit, contact details for the MDPH, application form for diploma equivalence, travel permit, etc.
- gain confidence in yourself
- build a professional project based on your skills
- find a job.
The association understands the context and difficulties faced by LGBTQI+ refugees.
You can get specific advice on how to deal with administrative procedures or solve a problem.
- soccer
- French classes
- walks
- picnics
- museum visits.
How to do it?
- Address: “La Bulle”, 22 rue Malher, 75004 Paris
- Every Saturday (except the 3rd Saturday of the month) at 9:30 a.m.
- Request an appointment with the association's social worker.
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