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Important information

Target audience

AudienceAsylum seekers, Statutory refugees, Beneficiaries of subsidiary protection, Beneficiaries of temporary protection, Stateless people, French citizens


Have a bank account

Where is it?

Open a mobile line

Updated on 2 years ago

What is it?

There are several offers that offer packages to go on the internet, send SMS and make calls with a mobile phone.

The main operators in France are Bouygues Telecom, Orange, SFR, Free

With a package, you pay the same price every month. Even if the price of the offers is different, the steps to open a line are the same for all operators.

How to do it?

Each package offers:

  • a number of hours for calls in France, or unlimited calls (= no time limit)
  • a number of SMS and MMS in France, or unlimited SMS and MMS
  • a number of GB (Giga Bytes) for the Internet
  • time or €uros for international calls...

The bigger the package, the more expensive it is.

Choosing the right package depends on your use: a lot of calls? a lot of internet?

Don't hesitate to take some time to compare existing packages between different operators.

After choosing the package that suits you, you must order your SIM card.

To order your SIM card, there are two solutions:

  • On the operator's website (this procedure requires a bank card)
  • Directly in store
When ordering on the internet, the process is simplified. In a shop, you have to bring additional documents (e.g. proof of address, cheque). You can only obtain a SIM card quickly at the Free kiosks in the shops (you only need a bank card and an e-mail address).

Thanks to your personal space, you can activate your SIM card, check your usage, receive and pay your bills, etc. You must go to the operator's website or download the operator's application and complete the information requested.

For this you will need:

  • Proof of identity: residence or resident permit, French or European national identity card, passport (in the case of a foreign passport, it must be in Latin script or translated by a sworn translator)
  • A method of payment: by credit card (Visa, MasterCard or Bank Card), by “SEPA” direct debit (you must have a bank account within the SEPA zone, list of countries concerned here), by cheque (but this can be restrictive)
  • Contact information: a valid e-mail address, a telephone number and a postal address in the event of an order by internet to receive the SIM card.

You will receive a username and password to log in. You will have to wait a few days to receive your SIM card at the address indicated. Some operators offer pick-up point delivery.

If you want to keep your current number, you must request the “portability” of your number. Call 3179 from your current mobile phone to receive your “RIO” code. A few minutes after the call, you will receive an SMS with this code. When ordering your SIM card, give this number and you can keep your mobile number, even if you change operator.

To be able to use your line, you must activate your SIM card. The procedure will be indicated to you by the operator. In general, you activate your plan on your subscriber area or by dialing a special number with your phone.

The price of a SIM card is generally €10. You pay for your plan each month on the date your line is activated. If you wish, you can change this date from your “subscriber area” or by calling customer service.

What happens next?

The “subscriber area”, accessible from the computer or the mobile application, is very practical. It allows you, for example, to:

  • Consult your consumption, your bills
  • Pay for your package if you have not chosen direct debit
  • Activate/Deactivate options (such as blocking your plan if you exceed your consumption)
  • Contact customer service if you need help
  • Take advantage of promotions to change your mobile phone
  • Change package...
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a mugniera mugnierAdmin
houssam kokachhoussam kokachAdmin
olga b.olga b.Translator
rohullah expertrohullah expertTranslator