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Find an information sheet

Search through our 1086 information sheets about local initiatives and programmes.



Asylum seekers (58 information sheets) Statutory refugees (198 information sheets) Beneficiaries of subsidiary protection (197 information sheets) Stateless people (190 information sheets) Beneficiaries of temporary protection (171 information sheets) French citizens (101 information sheets)

Target audience
Families and children (4 information sheets) Women (5 information sheets) Young people (8 information sheets) Gender minorities (2 information sheets) Seniors (4 information sheets)

Age range
under 18 (66 information sheets) between 18 and 25 years old (122 information sheets) 25 years old and over (185 information sheets)

Level of French
Beginner A1/A2 (169 information sheets) Intermediate B1/B2 (191 information sheets) Advanced C1/C2 (175 information sheets)

Translated into
Arabic (189 information sheets) English (200 information sheets) Pashto (173 information sheets) Persian/Dari (179 information sheets) Russian (137 information sheets) Tigrinya (201 information sheets) Ukrainian (201 information sheets)

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