Important information
With Restos du Coeur 47 integration projects

Target audience
Availability requested
Where is it?
Working in the gardening or logistics sector
What is it?
The possibility of working in a Workshop and Integration Site (ACI), for example in:
- a market garden (gardener's assistant)
- a logistics warehouse (order picker, warehouse forklift driver, etc.).
Why is it interesting?
- Become an employee with a 6-month renewable Fixed-Term Insertion Contract (CDDI)
- Maximum 26 hours of work per week
- Salary at least equal to the hourly minimum wage.
- Access to social rights: health (for example Ameli, vital card), housing (for example request for social housing), family, etc.
- Help and explanations for carrying out procedures: sending documents, completing a form, etc.
- Find an internship or training
- Prepare to look for another job at the end of the CDDI.
- Learn market gardening techniques, how a warehouse works
- Know how to use professional equipment and products
- Team work.
How to do it?
Your social worker, your France Travail advisor, your Mission Locale representative, your PLIE professional integration advisor (local integration and employment program), your Cap Emploi representative (disabled people) must connect to the Inclusion Platform, Inclusion Jobs section.
Call 06 78 67 99 41.
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