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Important information

With Plate-forme de lutte contre l'Illettrisme & l'Analphabétisation (Platform for the Fight against Illiteracy & Illiteracy)

Proposed bySYLLABE

Target audience

AudienceStateless people, Asylum seekers, French citizens, Statutory refugees, Beneficiaries of temporary protection, Beneficiaries of subsidiary protection


Free of charge

Find out your level of French

Updated on a year ago

What is it?

The Syllabe association platform:

  • assesses your language skills
  • directs you towards training tailored to your needs
  • supports you in your training journey

Why is it interesting?

You will know your level of oral and written French to know your language training needs.

You will have supporting documentation to present for the prerequisites necessary for entry into linguistic or professional training.

You will be informed and/or oriented on the different systems of the department:

  • Language training
  • French lessons with volunteers...

You can check if you have the required level before registering for an official French exam (DELF, TCF etc.) for:

  • an application for a residence card
  • an application for French nationality
  • qualifying training
  • university registration

How to do it?

Our contact details:

05 53 87 84 67


If you are accompanied in your procedures by a professional, they must send us a prescription sheet about you.
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14 contributors mobilized

houssam kokachhoussam kokachAdmin
a mugniera mugnierAdmin
olga b.olga b.Translator
mohamed sayed shokrimohamed sayed shokriTranslator
rohullah expertrohullah expertTranslator