Activities and services
To be read
Learn French at university in Angers
Obtain a university degree (DU) to begin or resume studies in France.

Learn French at university in Bordeaux
Obtain a university diploma (DU) to start or resume studies in France.

Learn French at university in Dijon
Obtain a University Diploma (DU) to begin or resume studies in France.

Learn French at university in Caen
Obtain a university degree (DU) to begin or resume studies in France.

Learn French at university in Dunkirk
Obtain a university diploma (DU) to learn French and start or resume studies in France

Study French at university in Strasbourg.
Get a University Diploma (DU) to start or resume studies in France.

Learn French at Créteil University
Obtain a university degree (DU) to begin or resume studies in France.

Learn French at an engineering school in Champs-sur-Marne
Do a bridge training to start or resume studies in France.

Learn French at university in Paris (13th arrondissement)
Get a university diploma to start or resume studies in France.

Learning French at university in Limoges
Get a University Degree to begin or resume studies in France.

Learn French at university in Rennes
Obtain a university degree to start or resume studies in France.

Learn French at the University of Nanterre (B1 level)
Obtain a university degree to begin or resume studies in France.

Learn French at university in Perpignan
Obtain a university degree to start or resume studies in France.

Learn French at university in Paris (5th arrondissement)
Obtain a university degree to start or resume your studies in France.

Learn French at university in Paris (5th arrondissement)
Get a university degree to start or resume studies in France.

Learn French at university in Saint-Denis
Obtain a university degree to begin or resume studies in France.

Learn French at university in Villetaneuse
Obtain a university degree to begin or resume studies in France.

Learn French at university in Clermont-Ferrand
Obtain a university degree to start or resume your studies in France

Learn French at university in Clermont-Ferrand
Obtain a university degree to start or resume your studies in France

Learn French at the University of Nantes
Obtain a university degree to begin or resume studies in France.

Learn French at university in Orléans
Do a university degree in Orléans to start or resume studies in France.

Learn French at the university in Paris (16th arrondissement)
Obtain a university degree to start or resume studies in France.

Learn French at university in Poitiers
Obtain a university degree to begin or resume studies in France.

Learn French at university in Montpellier
For students with French courses from A1 to C1

Learn French at university in Reims
Take a university diploma to improve your French and start or resume your studies in France

Learn French at Lyon 2 University
Obtain a university degree to start or resume studies in France.

Learn French at university in Rouen
Obtain a university degree to start or resume studies in France

Learn French at Paris Saclay University (Sceaux campus)
Obtain a university degree to start or resume studies in France.

Learn French at Sciences Po in Paris (7th)
Obtain a university degree to start or resume studies in France.

Learn French at university in Paris (5th arrondissement)
Obtain a university degree to start or resume studies in France.

Learn French at Paris University (5th)
Obtain a university degree to start or resume studies in France.

Learn French at Nanterre University (B2 level)
Get a university degree to start or resume studies in France.

Learn French to enter Nancy University
Obtain a university degree to start or resume studies in France

Learn French at university in Lorient or Vannes
Take a university degree to start or resume studies in France.

Learn French at university in Tours
Obtain a university degree to begin or resume studies in France.