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With Sciences Po - Professional certificate in social and human sciences for young refugees

Proposed byRÉSEAU MEnS

Target audience

AudienceStatutory refugees, Beneficiaries of temporary protection
Level of FrenchB1, B2, C1


Free of charge

Availability requested

Duration of commitmentExactly 24 months
Frequency of participationMinimum 6 hours per day
Days of attendanceMonday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday


Be in possession of a residence permit or a receipt
Have a end of high school level

Learn French at Sciences Po in Paris (7th)

Updated on il y a 5 mois

What is it?

The Professional Certificate in Social and Human Sciences for Young Refugees from Sciences Po is a Passerelle University Diploma (DU) which allows refugees to improve their level of French, to be introduced to social and human sciences, and to promote their integration into French society (continuation of studies and/or search for employment).

This Certificate is validated by a Bac+2.

This two-year course offers 3 semesters of study at Sciences Po and a final semester of 6-month internship.

The Certificate also offers activities to discover business world and various cultural places, as well as sport and art activities.

Finally, individualized social and professional support is offered to all students during the two years of study.

The training is open to people under 28 years old.
The training lasts 2 years, from September 2024 to August 2026.

There are around 40 similar training courses in France. This sheet presents Sciences Po training.

> Find out more about the DU Passerelle: see the Réfugié sheet

Why is it interesting?

In the Professional Certificate in Social and Human Sciences at Sciences Po, 8 hours of French lessons are offered each week.

In addition, courses in English and other languages are offered, as well as courses in social sciences, history, geopolitics, mathematics applied to social sciences, introduction to management and the business world, office automation and career guidance workshops.

If you are a beneficiary of international protection or a beneficiary of temporary protection, you have the possibility of requesting financial assistance (grants based on social criteria or specific annual aid) every month and accommodation to complete the training.

During the training, you will discover the university system in France: how courses and exams are organized, learn to take notes during classes and review them outside of lectures, make presentations, prepare for exams, what diplomas and training exist, how to prepare for the rest of your educational or professional career, etc.

During the training, professionals individually accompany each student to think about the academic and professional project, according to the possibilities:

  • Professional workshops
  • Mentoring by professionals
  • Creation of a mentoring pair (a Sciences Po employee with a student)

The professionals also help you write your CVs and cover letters, and register for the training courses that interest you.

To prepare for entry into the professional world, a six-month internship in a company is organized in the 4th semester.

It will also be possible to join the Sciences Po Alumni network which allows you to be in contact with the school's former students.

You will have access to different outings and activities during the training:

  • Cultural visits (Comédie Française, Théâtre des Champs-Elysées, etc.)
  • Company visits (L’Oréal, RATP, etc.)
  • Sport and art activities thanks to the rich associative life of Sciences Po

How to do it?

How to join the program?

• You must first complete the application form

• Then, you must send your CV and a photo of your residence permit by email to this address (

The deadline to submit your application is Sunday March 31, 2024 at midnight.

Pre-selected candidates will be received for an interview at the end of April 2024, at the Sciences Po premises in Paris.

For any questions, you can write an email to the following email address:

You can also go to the Sciences Po website: /

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