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Important information

With University Diploma in French Studies, Tours University Centre

Proposed byRÉSEAU MEnS

Target audience

AudienceStateless people, Asylum seekers, French citizens, Statutory refugees, Beneficiaries of temporary protection, Beneficiaries of subsidiary protection
Level of FrenchA1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2


1200€ per semester

Availability requested

Duration of commitmentAbout 9 months
Frequency of participationMinimum 5 hours per day
Days of attendanceMonday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday


Have a end of high school level
Be in possession of a residence permit or a receipt

Learn French at university in Tours

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What is it?

A University Diploma (DU) allows asylum seekers, beneficiaries of subsidiary or temporary protection, refugees and stateless persons, to have a better level of French in order to study in France.

This training from the University Center for French Teaching to Foreign Students (CUEFEE) offers:

  • French courses,
  • Activities,
  • Support to build your university and professional project in France...
The training lasts a minimum of one semester (4 months), from September to December and then from January to April.

There are around 40 similar training courses in France. This sheet presents the training at the University of Tours.

If you are a beneficiary of international protection or a beneficiary of temporary protection and you have acquired A2 level, you can benefit from an exemption from registration fees by compiling a file, taking a language test and taking part in a interview with a social worker who will study your situation and with a CUEFEE teacher who will guide you for your university project.

> To find out more about the DU Passerelle: see the file

Why is it interesting?

In this training, there are 240 hours of French lessons per semester.
You will have lessons between 6 and 8 hours a week, from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.

You will have to take exams to obtain a University Diploma.

It is also possible to take the TCF at the end of the training at CUEFEE and the DELF or DALF at a partner centre.

During the training, you will discover the university in France: what is it like to be a student? How are the courses and exams organised? What diplomas and training exist?
You will learn how to take notes during class and review your lessons outside the lectures, make presentations, prepare for exams, etc.

  • A CUEFEE teacher offers, from level B1 on, a course on university integration.
  • An adviser from the House of Orientation and Professional Integration (MOIP) is at your disposal, by appointment, to help you build your university project.

The French higher education system is complex.

During the training, professionals will provide support to each student individually to reflect on the academic and professional project, according to the possibilities.

The professionals will help you write your CV and cover letters, and register for the courses that interest you.

  • The House of Guidance and Professional Integration can inform and advise you.
  • The entire CUEFEE team help you for all the procedures.
  • The University Social and Health Service (SSU) answers your questions and meet your needs: nurses, doctors, psychologists and social workers are there to listen to you and help you.

You can participate in different activities during the course and we encourage you to improve your level of French but also to integrate the social and cultural life of the university:

  • The University Service for Sports and Health Activities (SUAPS) offers several sports sessions that are free in general.
  • The Cultural Service of the university offers you a Student Cultural Pass (PCE) which allows you to go to many cultural events (music, cinema, theater, exhibitions, conferences, etc.) free or at reduced prices.
  • The CUEFEE Culture Pole regularly offers you activities to do in your free time, alone, with family or friends.

How to do it?

  • How to register: request a file from the secretariat of the university center (3 Rue des Tanneurs, 37000 Tours), more information on the university center website
  • Application dates: before July for the start of the September school year and before December for the start of the January school year
  • Contact:

After sending your application, if your file is accepted, you will receive an email with an invitation for an interview.

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a mugniera mugnierAdmin
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