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Declaring a change of situation on Étrangers en France (ANEF)
Declare on the ANEF website your new address, the loss or theft of your residence permit, ...
Report a change of contact details to OFPRA
How to report a change of phone number, email or postal address to OFPRA

Connect to a website with FranceConnect
This service allows you to connect to sites for free with a single account that you already have.
Open a mobile line
Find out how to open a line in France by paying for a mobile plan with an operator.
Get help with administrative procedures
Individual appointment for residence permit, CAF, France Travail, receipt, Vitale card, housing application

Get social support
Temporary accommodation and support for refugees.

Have a domiciliation
A domiciliation allows you to have an address to receive your mail

Get personalized support to live in Île-de-France
Association which helps to better understand French society, find accommodation, do the paperwork...

Be accompanied in your procedures
Have comprehensive support on access to employment, health, housing and rights.

Evaluate and report unsanitary housing conditions
Adil 21 advisors welcome and answer tenants' questions.

Receive support for unpaid rent
Adil 21 helps families find appropriate legal solutions and orientates them to its partners.

Get administrative support
Help with administrative and legal matters for everyone

Understanding apartment life
Learn to live in an apartment, manage your budget, save energy, etc.

Ask your questions about housing
Do you have a question about accommodation/housing ? The advisers are here to help you!

Have support for my administrative procedures
Learn IT and have individual support

Be provided with a temporary accommodation and receive support
Hosting for 12 months of young refugees under 25 without resources
Use a notebook to take care of your paperwork
Mon Récap, a free notebook to organize your administrative and professional procedures
Get help with the formalities
Social workers, volunteers and legal experts will help you settle in.

Get informed to better support my beneficiaries
The Integration Center for Support Resources aims to enhance the skills of integration professionals.

Être accompagné dans ses démarches
Une aide pour ouvrir ses droits, trier ses documents, apprendre le français, aller aux rendez-vous

Être accompagné dans ses démarches juridiques en Charente-Maritime
Accompagnement des exilés pour les démarches en droit des étrangers : séjour, famille, nationalité...

Avoir de l’aide pour faire les démarches administratives et utiliser l'ordinateur
Un accès gratuit à un ordinateur et un accompagnement individuel pour les démarches administratives

You may also be interested in these information sheets
Make and use an e-photo
An e-photo is required for official documents. Explanations on how to make and use it on the internet.
Apply for French nationality
Apply for naturalization by decree to become a French citizen.

Create a personal account on the Étrangers en France website (ANEF)
By creating a personal account, you can complete your procedures online (residence permit, naturalization, etc.)
Requesting a customary certificate for marriage or civil partnership
If you are a refugee, you no longer need to provide a certificate of custom to get married in France

Getting your residence permit
How to apply for and retrieve the definitive residence permit.

Register and request assistance from CAF
CAF provides financial assistance in different life situations. Find out how to register and apply.

Renew your residence permit
Apply for a new residence permit on the Étrangers en France (ANEF) website when your card expires.

Request a travel document
Apply for a travel document to travel outside France.