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Learn French (level B1)
Free training lasting 100 hours financed by the OFII which enables you to reach level B1.

Learn French (level A2)
This free training funded by the OFII allows you to learn French at level A2.

Learn French
JRS École de français (JRS French School) offers free French lessons for asylum seekers and refugees.

Volunteering in an association
Make yourself useful in an association and enhance your skills.

The Republican Integration Contract
Understand everything about the Republican Integration Contract (CIR).

Prepare a diploma in construction
Free and paid training in construction trades (plumber/heating engineer and electrician).

Get tested for sexually transmitted diseases
The sexually transmitted disease screening center offers screening

Find a job or training
Employment, training, housing ... The Missions locales helps you in your professional and social integration.
Finding an accommodation
Adoma can offer you solutions to find accommodations with rents adapted to your situation.

Learn French for the Highway Code
A 200-hour training course to improve your French and learn the Highway Code

Learn French
Learn and improve your level of French with digital technology to make training more flexible.

Learn French at university in Paris (5th arrondissement)
Get a university degree to start or resume studies in France.

Get help and support
AFUCA brings together the Ukrainian community in the South of France

Find a stable home in France outside a tense area
Move to another region, outside Île-de-France and major French cities.

Learn French at university in Saint-Denis
Obtain a university degree to begin or resume studies in France.

Cooking in a restaurant
Share your cooking and your culture, find a job in the restaurant industry and meet people.

Find a French course in Ile-de-France
Réseau Alpha offers a map of French courses and training in Ile-de-France.

Be supported towards employment
A support contract towards autonomy and employment for young people between 16 and 25 years old in the Côte d'Or.

Study French at university in Strasbourg.
Get a University Diploma (DU) to start or resume studies in France.

Leave Paris for the provinces of France with job and housing
Employment and housing through geographic mobility

Take French lessons
French courses to reach A2 level

Accommodation and comprehensive support
Have access to temporary accommodation for 9 months and get help

Find accommodation adapted to your needs
SOLIHA offers rental accommodation with capped rents.

Training to learn a trade and get a job
Training and internship for a guaranteed position in a large company

Get tested
Come to get tested for HIV and hepatitis and check on your sexual health. Confidential and free.

Learn French at Créteil University
Obtain a university degree (DU) to begin or resume studies in France.

Learn about French as a Foreign Language
For volunteers and people learning French: share, exchange and progress!
Get Level A2 / Take a test in French
Learn French / Reach Level A2 / Take a French test / DFL / Ligue de l'Enseignement

Being listened to and getting psychological help
A team of psychologists, integration counsellors, translators travel to bring psychological support

Finance your professional project
Get finance to start a business, buy a car or get your driving licence.
Learn French at Lyon 2 University
Obtain a university degree to start or resume studies in France.

Get psychological support in Bordeaux
You are exiled and live in Bordeaux, you can have psychological support

Train to become a cook
6-month cookery certification course with work placement and food truck experience

Learn French at university in Villetaneuse
Obtain a university degree to begin or resume studies in France.

Learn French for the highway code
French lessons to understand the vocabulary of the highway code and take the driving license with a driving school

Work towards your integration
The Republican Integration Path accompanies foreigners in their integration in France.

Day care centres in Paris
Support for learning French, professional integration and access to accommodation.

Learn to drive
Learn the highway code and take driving lessons

Psychological support over the phone
Multilingual psychologists are at your service with free telephone consultations

Learn French up to level A2
A French diploma school for refugees and asylum seekers who have never graduated.

Get an official French language certification
Obtain an official diploma by taking the DELF or TCF exams

Learn French in Dijon
Take part in workshops to learn French and better understand your environment in Dijon

Learn French at the University of Nantes
Obtain a university degree to begin or resume studies in France.

Get a loan to pay for the driving license
Interest-free loan from a bank to pay for driving licence training at a driving school.

Learn French at university in Paris (16th arrondissement)
Obtain a university degree to start or resume your studies in France.

Apprendre le français à l'université à Rennes
Faire un diplôme universitaire pour commencer ou reprendre des études en France.

Learn French at university in Paris (5th arrondissement)
Obtain a university degree to start or resume studies in France.

Finding accommodation outside Ile-de-France
A program for access to housing and return to work in a region of France.