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You may also be interested in these information sheets
Make and use an e-photo
An e-photo is required for official documents. Explanations on how to make and use it on the internet.
Apply for French nationality
Apply for naturalization by decree to become a French citizen.

Create a personal account on the Étrangers en France website (ANEF)
By creating a personal account, you can complete your procedures online (residence permit, naturalization, etc.)
Requesting a customary certificate for marriage or civil partnership
If you are a refugee, you no longer need to provide a certificate of custom to get married in France

The family reunification process
You wish to bring your family to France to live with you.
Getting your residence permit
How to apply for and retrieve the definitive residence permit.

Getting married in France
Everything you need to know about the marriage process in France.
Get emergency accommodation by calling 115
Emergency number to be admitted free of charge to an emergency accommodation centre
Register and request assistance from CAF
CAF provides financial assistance in different life situations. Find out how to register and apply.

Apply for social housing (HLM)
Apply for social housing (HLM) with a rent adapted to your income.
Renew your residence permit
Apply for a new residence permit on the Étrangers en France (ANEF) website when your card expires.

Request a travel document
Apply for a travel document to travel outside France.

You may also be interested in these information sheets
Work as a nurse with a non-EU diploma
Study in France to work as a nurse.
Become a nursing assistant in France
Do a one-year training to obtain the French nursing assistant diploma.
Take a DU Passerelle course
Obtain a university diploma (DU) to be able to resume studies at university
Applying for the European Qualifications Passport for Refugees (EQPR)
The EQPR allows you to certify your academic and professional skills if you no longer have your diplomas.
Applying to university
Find out how to join a university to study in France.
Become a pharmacy assistant with a non-EU diploma
Train to become a pharmacy assistant (DEUST) and specialize in working in a hospital
Become a dental assistant in France
Find out how to get the diploma and be able to work as a dental assistant in France.
Apply for a study grant
Apply for CROUS assistance for students: social criteria grant (BCS) or ASAA allowance.