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Target audience

AudienceStatutory refugees, Beneficiaries of subsidiary protection, Beneficiaries of temporary protection, Stateless people, French citizens
Level of FrenchB2, C1, C2


Free of charge


Be in possession of a residence permit or a receipt

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Becoming a substitute teacher in a private school

Updated on a month ago

What is it?

There are several options for teaching in France. See the Réfugié file "Becoming a teacher in France" .

Substitute teachers fill vacant positions or replace absent teachers in private schools. Most of these schools have signed a contract with the state that requires them to follow the same teaching programs as public schools.

These "contracted schools" are most often denominational establishments, mainly Catholic, but there are also others of different denominations or non-denominational (bilingual establishments, international establishments, schools with new pedagogy, etc.).

Substitute teachers are different from permanent teachers in private education because they have more flexible but also more precarious positions. However, they have the same functions with students.

The substitute teacher is recruited by a simple written employment contract, generally a renewable Fixed-Term Contract (CDD). This can be part-time or full-time and can last an entire school year in a position not filled by a permanent candidate.

You do not need to have French nationality to apply, as you can obtain an exemption.
A good level of French (B2 or C1 in primary school) is necessary to be able to teach in good conditions, especially in first-level education classes.

How to do it?

In primary education

At primary level (nursery or elementary school), the contractual worker must have a degree (Bac+3).

In the event of a major shortage of teachers, the required level may be lowered to Bac+2.

In secondary education

At the secondary level (middle and high school), the conditions differ depending on the discipline practiced.

  • In general and technological disciplines: You must have obtained a degree (bac +3) in the discipline in which you wish to work.
  • In professional disciplines: You must have obtained a bac +2, associated with professional experience. It is sometimes possible to teach with a technical diploma (CAP, BEP, Bac pro, etc.) provided you have experience or professional skills related to the subject taught.
  • For Physical Education and Sports (EPS): You must have obtained a STAPS (science and technology of physical and sports activities) degree, with a mention "Education and motor skills" - or via VAE -. You must also have a certificate of aptitude for rescue and first aid.
If your master's degree comes from a non-European country, you must obtain a Master's comparability certificate from the ENIC-NARIC France center .
If you do not have proof of professional experience in the discipline in which you wish to work, you can have it recognized using the VAE procedure.
Also read: the Réfugié fact sheet “Having your experience recognized with Expérience sans Frontières” .

It is necessary to obtain an exemption from the nationality condition, issued by the rectorate, to work in private education.

  1. Complete the request for exemption from the nationality condition, the form for which can be found on the website of each academy.
  2. Send the form with all the requested documents (identity documents, residence permit, certificate of proficiency in the French language, diplomas, certificate of comparability , cover letter) to the email address specified in the form.

If you wish to work in private Catholic education, you will need to obtain a "collegial pre-agreement". This collegial pre-agreement is necessary and valid for all schools under contract in the academy where you wish to teach. It is given by representatives of the private education services under contract in this academy.

You must first contact the nearest Reception and Recruitment Assistance Service (SAAR).

The Reception and Recruitment Assistance Service (SAAR) is a service which provides all candidates with information on the Catholic Education project and on the conditions and procedures for training and recruitment.

After calling them, you will be invited to an information meeting, where you will meet the head of the human resources department. The department will ensure the coherence of your project and guide you through the procedure.

You must bring a cover letter, a CV and copies of your diplomas to this first interview.

You must register via the platform and apply for the collegial pre-agreement using procedure 2: "I want to do substitute work".

After several steps in which you will have to provide your marital status, your diplomas and professional experience, you will be able to validate your application.

At the end of this registration, you will be able to apply for the collegial pre-agreement.

You will then be able to have an interview with two or three heads teachers who will assess your motivation and whether your project corresponds to that of the academy.

If you obtain the collegial pre-agreement, you will be registered in the database of private Catholic establishments. Once a request for a replacement exists, you will be contacted directly.

If you do not get the pre-approval, you can appeal the decision. If you do not get the pre-approval in the appeal procedure, you cannot teach.

What happens next?

If you want to apply for a private establishment other than a Catholic one, you can contact the head of the recruiting establishment directly or respond to a job offer.

The procedure is different depending on the establishment and will be explained to you on a case-by-case basis.

It is also necessary to request a nationality exemption.

You can find all the private establishments listed on the .

After 3 years as a substitute teacher, you can take the competitive exam to become a permanent teacher in private education .

The advantage of this status is the job security it offers: this means that you benefit from a stable job.

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