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Becoming a contractual teacher in the public sector
What is it?
There are several possibilities for teaching in France. See the Réfugié file "Becoming a teacher in France" .
"Contractual" teachers fill vacant positions or replace absent teachers in public schools (nursery, elementary, middle and high school). They are different from civil servant teachers who also work in public education, but who have permanent status. However, they have the same functions with students.
The contractual teacher is recruited by a simple written employment contract, generally a renewable Fixed-Term Contract (CDD). This can be part-time or full-time and can last an entire school year in an unfilled position.
After 6 years, this contract leads to a Permanent Contract (CDI).
How to do it?
To work as a contractor, there are conditions of diplomas and professional experience.
In primary education
At primary level (nursery or elementary school), the contract worker must have a degree (Bachelor level) .
In the event of a major shortage of teachers, the required level may be lowered to Bac + 2.
In secondary education
At the secondary level (middle and high school), the conditions differ depending on the discipline practiced.
- In general and technological disciplines: you must have obtained a degree (bac +3) in the subject in which you wish to work.
- In professional disciplines: you must have obtained a bac +2, associated with professional experience. It is sometimes possible to teach with a technical diploma (CAP, BEP, Bac pro, etc.) provided you have experience or professional skills related to the subject taught.
- For Physical Education and Sports (EPS): you must have obtained a STAPS (science and technology of physical and sports activities) license with a mention "Education and motor skills" - or through a VAE (validation of acquired experience) -. You must also have a certificate of aptitude for rescue and first aid.
Also read: the Réfugié fact sheet “Having your experience recognized with Expérience sans Frontières” .
To become a contractual worker at primary or secondary level, you must submit your application to an academy.
You need to follow these steps:
- Go to the civil service recruitment portal or the “join national education” portal which lists all job offers.
- Choose a contract job offer in the academy or school in which you wish to work.
- Submit your application. You will need to attach your CV, cover letter, diplomas and certificate of comparability.
Typically, you will have to have a job interview with a head teacher. This interview will focus on your motivation, past experiences and future plans.
You will be contacted directly by the recruitment office for the interview invitation.
What happens next?
If the head of the school has accepted your application, they will send you a contract.
Generally, the contractual worker starts under a renewable Fixed-Term Contract (CDD), with a mandatory trial period. You can have several contracts if you work in different schools.
After 6 years, two possibilities arise for the contract teacher: either he is offered a permanent contract (CDI) , or he stops working.
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