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Important information

Target audience

AudienceFrench citizens, Statutory refugees, Beneficiaries of subsidiary protection, Stateless people


Free of charge


Be in possession of a residence permit or a receipt

Where is it?

Have your experience recognized with Expérience sans Frontières (Experience Without Borders)

Updated on 2 years ago

What is it?

The "Experience without borders" scheme aims to promote and have your experience recognized as an asset in finding a long-term job in France.

The support of Experience Without Borders makes it possible to:

  • Have your professional and/or volunteer experience recognized in your country of origin or in France;
  • Strengthen your level of French through training adapted to your professional project;
  • Do internships or immersions in companies to understand how the professional world works in France;
  • Provide training to acquire additional skills;
  • Transform your experience into a diploma, title or certification recognized in France via the VAE procedure (validation of acquired experience), depending on your situation.
You can join Experience Without Borders regardless of your age, nationality or level of education. No diploma or level of training is required. Only your experience counts!

How to do it?

  • Be in a regular situation
  • Be from a country outside the European Union
  • Be willing to enhance your professional experience and skills
  • Know how to describe with simple means your experience & know how to present yourself;
  • Understand exchanges and questions in French & communicate in a simple way

To do Experience Without Borders, you can contact:

  • Either directly the academies offering this support. Here are the phone numbers of the referents to contact by academy:
    • Ile-de-France: 06 10 53 12 26
    • Normandy: 06 20 41 01 38
    • Lille: 06 20 41 69 32
    • Lyons: 04 37 91 24 98
    • Nancy-Metz: 06 56 69 39 52
    • Reims: 03 26 61 20 40
    • Aix-Marseille: 04 42 90 41 13
    • Corsica: 07 85 65 30 81
    • Nice: 06 27 66 57 32

      >> If you do not know which academy you belong to or if you have any questions, you can send an email to:
  • Either a professional who is helping you in an employment process.

The presentation of your professional background will allow the career referents to guide you:

  • in enhancing your skills
  • in the development of your professional project
  • on the choice of a diploma if you wish to start a VAE process.

If you have a foreign diploma and depending on your situation, you can request, with the help of your referent, a certificate of comparability of your diploma from the ENIC-NARIC centre. To do so, you will need to show official documents (diploma, transcripts, certificate of training, etc.).

> To read: the Réfugié sheet "Having a foreign diploma recognized in France".

If you do not have proof of your diplomas or your marks, because you could not take them before leaving your country or because they were lost during the trip, you have the possibility of making a application for a European Qualifications Passport for Refugees (EQPR).

> To read: the sheet "Applying for a European Qualifications Passport for Refugees (EQPR)" .

What happens next?

During your Experience without Borders course, you benefit from personalized, individual and/or collective support:

  • Support for the enhancement of your skills (building an argument, choice of experiences to describe, etc.)
  • Training in French as a foreign language (FLE) to improve your language level
  • Preparation for any additional training necessary to find a job
  • Orientation towards VAE possible
  • Discovery and connection with the economic world (internships, immersions, etc.)
The accompaniment time depends on your situation and your needs. It generally lasts several months and adapts to your course.
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a mugniera mugnierAdmin
fatma bouhejbafatma bouhejbaAdmin
houssam kokachhoussam kokachAdmin
rohullah expertrohullah expertTranslator
olga b.olga b.Translator
vae sans frontièresvae sans frontièresWriter