Weavers France - Weavers
Activities and services
To be read
Training and finding a job in Villeurbanne
A program to find the job that suits you, studying and finding a job at the same time.

Improve your French
Digital and French courses, support and meetings with French people.

Train to become a kitchen assistant in Grenoble
3 and a half month training with French and digital courses, internship to work in a restaurant

Training and finding a job in Annecy
Training to find a job in the hotel or catering industry

Se former et trouver un travail dans la logistique à Annecy
Des cours de français professionnel, numérique, passage du CACES 1B et stage de 4 mois à Rumilly

Améliorer son français
Cours de français, préparation DELF A1 ou A2, découverte de l'entreprise, numérique, accompagnement emploi