Important information
With ECLAT 38 Association

Target audience
Where is it?
Living better after trauma and finding support
What is it?
Adapted and personalized support for isolated people with post-traumatic stress disorders (nightmares, physical and mental exhaustion, hallucinations, etc.).
The objectives are to:
- be helped before entering care
- be directed to places suited to their situation
- do chosen activities and regain self-confidence.
Why is it interesting?
Symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder can include:
- difficulty sleeping, nightmares
- physical and mental fatigue/exhaustion
- difficulty learning and memorizing
- revivals (repetitions or reappearances), hallucinations
- etc...
We provide support when entering care:
- A psychiatrist can direct you to the most appropriate place for your situation and write a letter
- The mediator can help you translate, make an appointment, and accompany you if necessary on the day of the appointment.
- You can choose a physical or cultural activity that you like: reading, cooking, cycling...
- The mediator accompanies you to the practice location and stays if necessary.
- You regain self-confidence
- You trust others more.
How to do it?
- You need to get in touch with a professional or volunteer who is supporting you and talk to them about this journey.
- You must ask them to go to the ECLAT 38 website and contact the association to join this course.
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