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Important information

With Secours populaire français

Target audience

AudienceStateless people, Asylum seekers, French citizens, Statutory refugees, Beneficiaries of temporary protection, Beneficiaries of subsidiary protection
Level of FrenchLiteracy, A1, A2, B1


Free of charge

Availability requested

Duration of commitmentAbout 10 months
Frequency of participationAbout 4 hours per week

Take French classes

Updated on 4 months ago

What is it?

Two lessons a week to learn French, from literacy to B1 level, so you can be more independent in your daily life.

Each course lasts between 1 hour 30 minutes and 2 hours.
Courses run from September to June (except during school holidays).

Why is it interesting?

  • Understanding and communicating better, both orally and in writing
  • Everyday vocabulary.
  • 5 to 6 people maximum in each group.
  • Scheduled meetings with other groups.

Depending on the program and availabilities, possibility of participating in other activities organized by the Secours populaire d'Île-et-Vilaine.

How to do it?

There are many requests.
If the courses are full, your registration will be placed on a waiting list.
The team will call you when a place is available.

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11 contributors mobilized

houssam kokachhoussam kokachAdmin
claudia mclaudia mAdmin
olga b.olga b.Translator
rohullah expertrohullah expertTranslator