Important information
With Paroles Voyageuses

Target audience
Availability requested
Where is it?
Improve your French and learn how to use a mobile phone
What is it?
A 7-month training course with French classes and digital skills classes to learn how to use a mobile phone.
The goal is to become independent in day-to-day life and be able to take care of administrative procedures online using your mobile phone.
Why is it interesting?
- Improve your oral and written communication in French
- Improve your reading and writting skills
Learn how to use all the features of your mobile phone (calculator, answering machine, maps, installing apps, etc.)
Thanks to this training course (written French and use of your mobile phone), you will learn to take care of your administrative procedures online without needing outside help:
- CAF (financial assistance and family support),
- France Travail (employment agency, formerly known as Pôle emploi),
- Ameli (health insurance)…
How to do it?
- By email:
- By phone: 01 89 33 81 26
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