Important information
With FLE from level A2 to B1
Target audience
AudienceStateless people, Asylum seekers, French citizens, Statutory refugees, Beneficiaries of temporary protection, Beneficiaries of subsidiary protection
Level of FrenchA2, B1
Availability requested
Frequency of participationMinimum 3 hours per week
Days of attendanceSaturday
Where is it?
Take French classes on Saturdays
What is it?
3 hours of French classes on Saturdays, for employees who need to validate level B1.
At the end of the training, you can take the TEF-IRN (Test of French Evaluation for Integration, Residency, and Nationality) to apply for a 10-year residency card or French naturalization.
Why is it interesting?
- Better communicating, reading, writing
- Classes in small groups of 3 to 6 people
- Classes on Saturdays, a half-day three times a month
- Possibility to start classes at any time during the year.
Preparation for the TEF-IRN or DELF B1 exams to apply for a 10-year residency card or French naturalization.
How to do it?
- By email:
- By phone: 06 76 77 60 38
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