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Important information

With Unis Cité Accel'R

Proposed byUnis-Cité

Target audience

AudienceStateless people, Statutory refugees, Beneficiaries of temporary protection, Beneficiaries of subsidiary protection
Specific audienceYoung people

Availability requested

Duration of commitmentExactly 8 months
Frequency of participationMaximum 28 hours per week
Days of attendanceTuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday


Be in possession of the birth certificate issued by OFPRA
Be in possession of a residence permit or a receipt
Have a bank account

Where is it?

Civic service in Vannes or Lorient

Updated on 6 months ago

What is it?

The Unis-Cité association offers young people between 16 to 25 years old a civic service program. It is an 8-month full-time and team commitment on missions of general interest.

The goal is to meet new people and integrate into France.


  • Missions accessible in various fields (cultural, manual, digital activities, etc.)
  • Half a day of French lessons per week.
Civic service begins in October and ends in June (28 hours, 4 days a week).

Why is it interesting?

You will interact with French-speaking people (i.e. those who speak French) in a good atmosphere and quickly improve your French.

You can learn new things and help others through various missions.

For taking part in civic service, you will receive an allowance of 620 euros each month.

This allowance can be increased by €114 for scholarship students and members of a household receiving RSA (Revenu de Solidarité Active) income support.

You have the opportunity to prepare for your future and be supported in your career objectives by a tutor:

  • At least 3 group workshops and 3 individual interviews throughout the year
  • Preparation for professional interviews...

You will be in a team of 24 young people of a similar age.

It's also an opportunity for you to make a difference by taking part in solidarity missions and helping each other to get things done together.

Your assignment will enable you to meet people from different professions (entertainment, care, personal assistance, digital technology, etc.) to find out more about these areas and build up a network.

How to do it?

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15 contributors mobilized

houssam kokachhoussam kokachAdmin
a mugniera mugnierAdmin
unis cité morbihanunis cité morbihanWriter
rohullah expertrohullah expertTranslator
olga b.olga b.Translator