Important information
With French for hotels and restaurants
Proposed byLangues Plurielles
Target audience
AudienceStatutory refugees, Beneficiaries of subsidiary protection, Stateless people, Beneficiaries of temporary protection
Level of FrenchA1, A2, B1
Free of charge
Availability requested
Duration of commitmentExactly 4 months
Frequency of participationExactly 3 hours per week
Days of attendanceMonday, Wednesday
Have signed the CIR (contract of republican integration) and completed the OFII course
Be in possession of a residence permit or a receipt
Learn French through drama
What is it?
It is a drama and French workshop for people looking for employment in the hotel or catering industry .
There is a 3-hour workshop per week with a French teacher and an actor using the Glottodrama® Method.
You learn French through theater techniques.
You learn French through theater techniques.
Why is it interesting?
- Learn vocabulary
- Learn new expressions
- Correct mistakes
- Work on sounds and pronunciation.
The situations covered during the workshop take place in a hotel or restaurant.
You will learn how to communicate with colleagues, managers and customers.
The goal is to be independent and ready to enter work life.
- Speaking in a group
- Reacting in different situations
- Speaking in front of an audience.
How to do it?
- By telephone: 01 40 38 67 75 or 06 03 05 22 23
- By email:
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