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Important information

With Local Mission of Pays Messin

Target audience

AudienceStateless people, Asylum seekers, French citizens, Statutory refugees, Beneficiaries of temporary protection, Beneficiaries of subsidiary protection
Specific audienceYoung people


Free of charge

Availability requested

Days of attendanceMonday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday


Have a bank account

Where is it?

Providing comprehensive support for young people

Updated on il y a 8 mois

What is it?

The Local Mission of Pays Messin supports young people aged 16 to 25 to:

  • carry out daily routines
  • build a professional project
  • find a training program or a job.

Why is it interesting?

Your advisor can help you with your administrative procedures according to your needs (daily life, housing, health, employment, etc.).

You receive financial support which varies depending on the program path chosen and your personal situation (age, resources or those within your household).

You can choose, for example, the PACEA support contract or the CEJ (youth commitment contract).

The CEJ is an intensive support program lasting 6 months and renewable for 12 months. It allows you to receive aid of a maximum of €528 if you respect your commitments.

The Local Mission of Pays Messin provides you with job offers and puts you in touch with its partners.

They can also help you prepare for a job interview.

How to do it?

You can make an appointment by telephone or come to one of our 4 offices (see map below).

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11 contributors mobilized

houssam kokachhoussam kokachAdmin
a mugniera mugnierAdmin
olga b.olga b.Translator
rohullah expertrohullah expertTranslator