Important information
With Youth Commitment Contract (CEJ)

Target audience
Availability requested
Where is it?
Be supported in your professional project and your procedures
What is it?
A fully personalized program which can last from 6 to 18 months for young people aged from 16 to 25 and people under 30 with disabilities.
This intensive support helps to:
- carry out daily administrative routines
- build your professional project
- find a training or a job.
The goal is to be as independent as possible in your daily and professional life.
It is possible to receive financial support every month subject to conditions.
- be between 16 and 25 years old, or under 30 years old with a disability and beeing recognized as a disabled worker (RQTH),
- not beeing enrolled in atraining, studies, or any professional activity.
Why is it interesting?
The Local Mission helps you:
- carry out administrative procedures (residence card, identity papers, etc.
- grants you rights to health and housing support (request for social housing, social security certificate, etc.)
You should participate in different activities to meet professionals and develop your skills, for example:
- orientation workshop to help you find a job/training
- workshop to learn French
- mathematics workshop
- workshop to prepare for the job interview
- workshop on citizenship and foreigners' rights
- company visits and work placements...
If you respect the commitment to be present at all activities (between 15 hours and 20 hours per week) and to attend weekly meetings, you can, depending on your situation, receive financial support:
- €528 per month for adults
- €211.20 for minors.
How to do it?
- By telephone: 03 82 82 85 15
- By email:
- Directly on site: Head office - Mission Locale du Nord Mosellan - Locaux de l'AFPA, Bâtiment, 12 Rte d'Illange, 57970 Yutz
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