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Important information

With ENVIE M.O. integration project

Target audience

AudienceStatutory refugees, Beneficiaries of subsidiary protection, Beneficiaries of temporary protection, Stateless people, French citizens
Level of FrenchA2, B2, C1, C2
Specific audienceWomen, Young people, Seniors

Availability requested

Duration of commitmentExactly 24 months
Frequency of participationMinimum 7 hours per day
Days of attendanceMonday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday


Have a bank account
Be registered with France Travail

Where is it?

Find a job in the household appliances sector

Updated on a year ago

What is it?

ENVIE specialises in the recovery, repair and processing of household electrical waste.

It hires and trains people for a variety of jobs: appliance repairer, delivery driver, warehouse assistant, HGV driver, salesperson, parts sorter, etc.

The products are then sold in a shop in Gerzat (washing machines, ovens, refrigerators, microwave ovens, etc.).

Why is it interesting?

You are supported by professionals who help you know which profession is most suitable, based on your skills and possibilities.

The integration project helps you find a permanent job, become part of a company, meet colleagues, etc.

You learn a trade with special training, advice, professional techniques.
Depending on your abilities, it is also possible to work in different positions.

How to do it?

Use your Pôle Emploi account to register on the inclusion platform, or ask your advisor, your social worker, or the local mission to log in to guide you.
The jobs offered by Envie MO are here:

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11 contributors mobilized

houssam kokachhoussam kokachAdmin
claudia mclaudia mAdmin
envie moenvie moTranslator
olga b.olga b.Translator
rohullah expertrohullah expertTranslator