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Important information

With Mission Locale du Territoire de Belfort

Target audience

AudienceAsylum seekers, French citizens, Statutory refugees, Beneficiaries of temporary protection, Beneficiaries of subsidiary protection
Specific audienceYoung people


Free of charge

Work on your personal and professional development

Updated on 10 місяців тому

What is it?

Personalized support for young people aged 16 to 25 to help you plan your personal and professional development:

  • Day-to-day: getting around (transport, etc.), finding accommodation, taking care of your health, taking part in activities, etc.
  • Access to rights: understanding and knowing your rights and obligations, being a citizen, etc.
  • Professional: finding a job, an internship, training, etc.

Why is it interesting?

The Local Mission will:

  • put you in contact with an advisor who listens to you, helps you and responds quickly.
  • accompany you on your journey from start to finish.

The Local Mission can help you with everyday life: finding accommodation, access to healthcare, getting your driving license, etc. Your advisor will also inform you about your rights and responsibilities in France.

The Local Mission supports you in building your career, in your search for training and/or employment:

  • learning French
  • participating in individual and/or group workshops
  • doing work placements

How to do it?

You are welcome to drop in on us without an appointment for an initial meeting. After that, you will have appointments to set you up with an advisor and to follow up on your progress.

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15 contributors mobilized

claudia mclaudia mAdmin
houssam kokachhoussam kokachAdmin
a mugniera mugnierAdmin
mohamed sayedmohamed sayedTranslator
mohamed sayed shokrimohamed sayed shokriTranslator
olga b.olga b.Translator
madeleine cmadeleine cTranslator
rohullah expertrohullah expertTranslator