Important information
With la Mission Locale du Pays d'Alençon (the Pays d'Alençon Local Mission)
Target audience
Where is it?
Get support for your professional and personal plans
What is it?
Support for young people aged 16 to 25 to build projects on different levels:
- Professional: find a job, an internship, training...
- Daily life: getting around (transport, etc.), finding housing, taking care of your health, taking part in activities, etc.
- Access to social rights: understanding and knowing your rights and obligations, being a citizen...
Why is it interesting?
The Mission Locale counsellors are professionals who can hear your difficulties, understand your needs, and refer you to other professionals based on your situation and your projects.
The goal is for you to be independent.
The Mission Locale counsellors will help you renew a vital card (the document to access social security benefits), declare your income, request assistance from the CAF (the office for social benefits), etc.
They also help you to highlight your qualities and experiences, write your CV and cover letter, register for training , etc.
The Local Mission commits to :
- get you in touch with a counsellor who will listen to you, help you and come back to you quickly
- accompany you on your path from start to finish
- give you clear and realistic information to reflect on and move forward with your project.
You commit to :
- be willing and ready to take the steps decided with the advisor
- be available, attentive, and honest
- be interested in actions, ask questions, notify us if you don't understand something.
How to do it?
- Telephone number: +33 2 33 32 05 94
- Email:
- Directly on site: 59, rue saint Blaise 61000 Alençon
Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and from 1:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
(except Friday closing at 5 p.m.)
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