Important information
With Integration through employment of beneficiaries of international protection
Target audience
Availability requested
Where is it?
Get help with your professional integration
What is it?
It is personalized support to help you in all your job search efforts.
Each participant is individually supported by a single referent, in all actions to enter the professional world.
The support is based on a rate of 2 meetings per month. The objective is to find lasting employment (more than 6 months) and/or to have a diploma or professional certification.
It is part of the Paris Local Plan for Integration and Employment (PLIE) supported by EPEC.
Why is it interesting?
A single representative offers you support adapted to your needs, your project and your journey.
You will discover new professions and meet PLIE partner companies to facilitate your professional integration.
Have support in your efforts to find solutions to the difficulties that prevent you from finding a job.
How to do it?
You can contact Oria BAKRI (PLIE Course Representative - BOP 104):
- by phone: 07 48 72 09 66 or 01 53 09 94 39
- by email: .
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