Important information
With Terrains d'Avenir
Target audience
Do sports in Paris for free
What is it?
Terrains d'Avenir is a program in the Île-de-France region to do sports for free.
Several activities are made available:
- sports sessions,
- sport events,
- socio-cultural outings,
- training courses related to sport and sport-related jobs...
Why is it interesting?
The sports activities offered by the various associations partaking in the program are open to everyone, and there is no need to pay to participate.
The program allows you to have access to 30 sports sessions each week, from Monday to Saturday, in Paris.
If you are interested, do not hesitate to look at our activities schedule on our social networks.
Among these 30 weekly activities, we offer you more than 15 different sports: football, basketball, climbing, dancing, swimming... and many more.
Each week, sessions open only to women are offered.
How to do it?
- Look at the activities schedule that you will find on our social networks.
- Go to the activity you want.
- When you arrive, you must specify that you are new to the program in order to receive your solidarity license, thus becoming a member of Terrains d'Avenir.
- You can then participate in other activities in the future. Remember to take your "solidarity license" with you !
Some activities require registration before going. This is indicated on the activity schedule.
If you can't find YOUR sport, contact us to tell us about it!
Instagram: @terrains_davenir
Twitter: @TerrainsdAvenir
Facebook: Terrains d'Avenir
LinkedIn: Terrains d'Avenir
By email to or via our social networks.
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