Important information
With HOPE - Hébergement Orientation Parcours vers l'Emploi (Accommodation Guidance Pathways to Employment)

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Availability requested
Where is it?
Access employment and housing
What is it?
HOPE is a refugee employment and self-sufficiency program.
It is a training course in several parts:
- Learning French for work: 400 hour training (330 hours in an Afpa center and 70 hours of internship in a company) then taking a language proficiency diploma (DCL).
- Professional training: under a professionalization contract or Interim Professional Development Contract (CDPI).
- A certification: Certificate of professional competence (CCP) or professional title
- Comprehensive support throughout the entire journey (housing, health, law, citizenship).
Why is it interesting?
The French courses are for professional purposes (400 hours).
The level of French is then validated by passing the DCL ( Diploma of Competence in Language) Professional French.
You are accommodated throughout the program period. Social support throughout the course will allow you to access independent housing at the end of the training.
You are trained in professions that are recruiting. At the end of the training, you will be able to have job offers.
You will be paid during the training.
How to do it?
- For Cher (Bourges):
- For Indre-Et-Loire (Tours):
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