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Important information

With Language Training Scheme (DFL)

FOL 58
Proposed byFOL 58

Target audience

AudienceStatutory refugees, Beneficiaries of subsidiary protection, Beneficiaries of temporary protection, Stateless people
Level of FrenchA1, A2


Free of charge

Availability requested

Duration of commitmentBetween 3 and 16 months
Frequency of participationExactly 24 hours per week

Where is it?

Learn to write and read French

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What is it?

It is training in French, which allows you to learn basic skills, for people who have not been to school (or for a short time).

There are 24 hours of lessons per week with a professional and in a group.

The courses take place in several towns in Nièvre (Nevers, Cosne, Lormes, Châtillon en Bazois...).

The training starts and ends when you want, according to your needs.

The Language Training Scheme (DFL) is financed by the Bourgogne Franche-Comté Region (BFC), so it is completely free. You may receive monthly remuneration from the Region during training, depending on your situation.

Why is it interesting?

The training teaches how to:

- write

- read

- be more comfortable speaking

- use a computer

- learn how to look for a job

- prepare to start prequalifying or qualifying training

You are supported throughout your training by a referent to help you:

  • Create a CV and write a cover letter
  • Find professional training and a job
  • Become independent in your daily and professional life...

How to do it?

Call 06 15 19 36 69 or come see us directly at 2 rue Saint Benin in Nevers to make an appointment.

You can ask your Pôle emploi advisor, Mission Locale, Cap emploi, or any other organization supporting refugees to complete the Shuttle Form and send it to the following email address:

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11 contributors mobilized

a mugniera mugnierAdmin
houssam kokachhoussam kokachAdmin
khlivna yuliiakhlivna yuliiaTranslator
olga b.olga b.Translator
amandine pheulpinamandine pheulpinWriter
rohullah expertrohullah expertTranslator