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Important information

With Primo-Sport

Proposed byUFOLEP

Target audience

AudienceStatutory refugees, Beneficiaries of subsidiary protection, Beneficiaries of temporary protection, Stateless people


Free of charge

Availability requested

Duration of commitmentBetween 3 and 12 months

Where is it?

Exercise to feel good

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What is it?

"Primo-sport" is three sportive backing programs for newcomers, with different goals:

  • access to a regular sport activity (3 months)
  • learning citizenship through sport (6 months)
  • professional integration: training course in sports and/or first aid

You can choose one of the three programs after an initial assessment, to make sure it fits your journey and your needs.

Why is it interesting?

Take advantage of the expertise of our animators to discover and exercise through sport !

Sport is a way to meet new people who come from differents social environments to:

  • Exchange and learn from each other
  • Share a friendly time and be physically active.
  • Transmit the values of sharing, respect and overcome your personal limits
  • Allow the expression of sensitivity and opinions with respect for others
  • Raise awareness of the sense of commitment and initiative.

We offer individualised, funded support to help you train for a career in sports leadership:

  • Preparation for the sports leisure activity leader qualification (CQP ALS)
  • Preparation for the diploma in aptitude as a professional activity leader (BAFA).
You can take a first aid course (PSC1)

How to do it?

Write to us or call this number. You will be put in touch with the committees nearest to you.

This system is only open to holders of a residence permit and to signatories of the CIR (Republican Integration Contract).
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12 contributors mobilized

houssam kokachhoussam kokachAdmin
olga b.olga b.Translator
rohullah expertrohullah expertTranslator