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Important information

With Job academy - refugees

Fondation FACE
Proposed byFondation FACE

Target audience

AudienceStatutory refugees, Beneficiaries of subsidiary protection, Beneficiaries of temporary protection, Stateless people
Level of FrenchA2


Free of charge

Where is it?

Find some help in your professional insertion

Updated on 3 years ago

What is it?

This support system adapted to refugees aims to:

  • the discovery of the business world, trades, skills and requirements of professional life in France,
  • learning recruitment methods and digital tools,
  • the strengthening of the mastery of the language to express oneself within the company (relations within a managerial collective: relations with the hierarchy and between co-workers, etc.),
  • inclusion by the group based on culture and sport.

This support is built around:

  • group workshops to promote group dynamics and break isolation,
  • individualized follow-up to adapt to the needs of each person accompanied.

Why is it interesting?

You will be able to meet company employees and understand the French labor market.

Participate in collective workshops, meet other people who are in the same situation, create a solidarity group, do sports and cultural activities

The program offers language reinforcement, to better express yourself in business.

How to do it?

Ms M'Barek: / 06 15 32 55 32

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12 contributors mobilized

fatma bouhejbafatma bouhejbaAdmin
houssam kokachhoussam kokachAdmin
olga b.olga b.Translator
rohullah expertrohullah expertTranslator