Important information
With with BIENVENU.E.S
Proposed byFondation FACE
Target audience
AudienceStatutory refugees, Beneficiaries of subsidiary protection, Beneficiaries of temporary protection, Stateless people
Level of FrenchA1
Free of charge
Where is it?
Be supported in developing your professional project
What is it?
BIENVENU.ES is a comprehensive support program lasting 4 to 6 months, which offers:
- Support for your professional development with various workshops (job search, professional spoken communication, company knowledge and visits, etc.).
- Individual follow-up appointments with a contact person at FACE Loire
- Workshops and advice on self management (digital workshop adapted to your level, budget management workshop, French conversation sessions offered on demand, etc.)
Why is it interesting?
Group discussions are organized with the Club FACE Loire business network and with direct contact between job seekers and businesses.
You will have intensive individual follow-up to help you in your job search.
French conversation sessions are offered to volunteers.
How to do it?
- Lydie D'OLIVIERA / 06 81 26 35 62 /
- Sina ZOUHAIRI / 06 69 10 69 70 /
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