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Important information

With Proactive RH

Proactive RH
Proposed byProactive RH

Target audience

AudienceStatutory refugees, Beneficiaries of subsidiary protection, Beneficiaries of temporary protection, Stateless people
Level of FrenchB1

Find a job

Updated on 2 years ago

What is it?

Proactive RH® is a temporary employment agency that recruits for temporary, fixed-term and permanent assignments.

After having taken care to receive you, to listen to you, to understand your expectations, to clarify your skills and to define a scope of action, our consultants will promote your application to companies likely to hire you.

We have several branches in the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté region: Dijon (2 branches), Beaune and Besançon. We also have an agency in Orléans.

Why is it interesting?

Our teams will put you in touch with our clients, to access fixed-term, permanent or temporary work assignments. Rest assured, after various interviews, you have every chance of being recruited!

To do this, we invite you to visit one of our branches directly.

Good to know: It is not possible to register online at Proactive RH®, because we firmly believe that hiring begins with a meeting.

By visiting one of our agencies, you will meet a local recruiting professional. He will be your privileged interlocutor and will be able to guide you seriously in your steps.

An individualized professional project is then built between the candidate and the Proactive RH® team.

How to do it?

Every day, Monday to Friday, we invite candidates to visit one of our agencies to meet a local recruitment professional.

  • Beaune # 03 45 56 20 00 - 7 boulevard Perpreuil, 21200 Beaune
  • Dijon Technique # 03 71 70 02 40 - 30 boulevard de la Marne, 21000 Dijon
  • Dijon Tertiary & Executives # 03 80 42 47 47 - 43 rue Elsa Triolet, 21000 Dijon
  • Besançon # 03 81 26 90 66 - 60 rue de Vesoul, 25000 Besançon
  • Orléans # 02 38 82 51 51 - 138 Av. Capitaine Jean, 45 800 St Jean de Braye

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11 contributors mobilized

houssam kokachhoussam kokachAdmin
olga b.olga b.Translator
rohullah expertrohullah expertTranslator
proactive rhproactive rhWriter