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Important information

With Initiatives and Development

Target audience

AudienceStatutory refugees, Beneficiaries of subsidiary protection, Beneficiaries of temporary protection, Stateless people


Free of charge

Where is it?

Be helped with professional integration

Updated on 4 years ago

What is it?

Initiatives and Development is a professional integration support association with a multidisciplinary team (a director, a social and family counselor, a professional integration counselor, a vocational coach, a psychologist and several volunteers).

The association offers support for overall professional integration:

  • Individual support,
  • Socio-linguistic workshops,
  • Psycho-social skills workshops,
  • Digital workshops (starting in 2021).

The association supports refugees, newcomers, RSA beneficiaries, long-term job seekers and residents of priority neighborhoods in the Orleans metropolis.

Why is it interesting?

Whether individually or through collective workshops, you will be guided through all of the steps related to your social and/or professional integration:

  • creating a CV,
  • writing a cover letter,
  • help with your job search,
  • administrative support,
  • link with CAF institutions, Pôle Emploi, department, etc.

A psychologist also guides you, through appointments, in reducing barriers to integration retrieving psychological health.

How to do it?

During your first meeting with the association, you will be able to develop together a support project within this structure with clearly identified objectives.

You can also then participate and join collective workshops (socio-linguistic workshops and / or workshops around psycho-social skills).

  • Phone: 02 38 21 58 59
  • Mail:
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12 contributors mobilized

hugo stéphanhugo stéphanAdmin
houssam kokachhoussam kokachAdmin
olga b.olga b.Translator
omar kokachomar kokachTranslator
rohullah expertrohullah expertTranslator
initiatives et développementinitiatives et développementTranslator