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Important information

Target audience

AudienceStatutory refugees, Beneficiaries of subsidiary protection, Beneficiaries of temporary protection, Stateless people


Free of charge

Going out in Rennes

Updated on il y a 3 ans

What is it?

A pass which gives you access to a multitude of activities in Rennes. Since July 1st, 2019, the SORTIR ! card has been loaded on your KorriGo services card.

Why is it interesting?

Like going to the swimming pool, the cinema, the museum, the ice rink ...

Like playing sports, drawing, playing music ...

Like organising a day in an amusement park, visiting a tourist site or even putting together an exhibition...

Secure financial support to organise a group activity. 

How to do it?

To activate Come Out card for the first time or to renew it, you need to gather the following documents:

  •  KorriGo services card (unless you only have an older-generation KorriGo card)
  •  ID 
  •  CAF (Family support allowance) certificate and proof of address
  •  Latest tax assessment or, failing that, a duplicate of your tax return
  •  Payment notice from Pôle Emploi (job centre) for the last 3 months or rejection from the same Pôle Emploi
  • Fixed-term contracts, temporary staff, permanent contracts and civil servants hired after 1st January: your payslips for the last 3 months
  •  Permanent contracts and civil servants hired before 1st January: your 12th and last payslip (November or December, depending on the employer)

If you do not meet the conditions, you can request an exemption by contacting the APRAS association. Be sure to attach the required supporting documents.

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14 contributors mobilized

andressa bittencourtandressa bittencourtAdmin
houssam kokachhoussam kokachAdmin
olga b.olga b.Translator
aman expertaman expertTranslator
rohullah expertrohullah expertTranslator