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Important information

With Benenova

Proposed byBenenova

Target audience

AudienceStatutory refugees, Beneficiaries of subsidiary protection, Beneficiaries of temporary protection, Stateless people


Free of charge

Availability requested

Duration of commitmentBetween 2 and 5 hours
Days of attendanceMonday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday


Updated on il y a 3 ans

What is it?

Do you have free time and want to help?

Do you want to meet new people and practice your French?

Do you want to discover a professional sector?

Benenova can help you find associations looking for volunteers in Paris, Nantes, Lille or Rennes !

You sign up for short volunteer actions (between 2 hours and 5 hours), when you want and when you are available.

Good to know :

If you need help using the Benenova website or participating in the missions, you can contact the association and you can make an appointment at their offices.

You don't need any particular skills or experience, and it doesn't matter if you don't speak French well : you will practice and learn during the activity.

Why is it interesting?

Volunteering is a useful and supportive action, which benefits both associations and volunteers!

You can register once only or come back several times if you want!

Volunteering allows you to meet people who come from all walks of life but who join forces around the same desire: a more united, more caring and fairer society.

You can try several different actions, in many associations.

Volunteering allows you to learn and practice French but also to discover new professional sectors (gardening and DIY, personal assistance, cooking, ...).

How to do it?

To get involved, do not hesitate to contact us :
The Benenova team in Paris : or 06 62 47 21 25

The Benenova team in Lille :

The Benenova team in Nantes :

The Benenova team in Rennes : or 07 67 27 83 07.

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16 contributors mobilized

a mugniera mugnierAdmin
andressa bittencourtandressa bittencourtAdmin
houssam kokachhoussam kokachAdmin
nour alhindinour alhindiTranslator
olga b.olga b.Translator
aman expertaman expertTranslator
rohullah expertrohullah expertTranslator