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Important information

With MAINtenant

Proposed byCoallia

Target audience

AudienceStatutory refugees, Beneficiaries of subsidiary protection, Beneficiaries of temporary protection, Stateless people

Availability requested

Frequency of participationMinimum 2 sessions per month

Where is it?

Sponsor a refugee

Updated on 3 years ago

What is it?

The objective of this sponsorship program is twofold: it is first of all a help, a boost for the people accommodated in the Coallia centers during the transition period which is the exit from the Asylum Seekers Reception Center (in french, Centre d'Accueil de Demandeurs d'Asile - CADA). It is also a device that allows real intercultural exchanges, by establishing a relationship of trust between two people.

The MAINtenant program was designed with the aim of facilitating the access of refugees to civil society.

By joining the program, you can help refugees to meet new friends, to adapt to French customs or to get a job...

  • Who can be accompanied?

All refugees hosted in Coallia structures can benefit from the MAINtenant sponsorship program, as soon as they obtain their status. On a voluntary basis, a person, a couple or a refugee family can let you discover his culture, his passions, the specificities of his country ...

  • Who can be a sponsor?

Young people, adults, professionals ...: anyone wishing to accompany a refugee to a new horizon can join the program. The only essential criterion is the desire to contribute to the support of your future godchild by dedicating a little of your time at least twice a month.

Why is it interesting?

 Leaving the accommodation centre is a key moment in the life of the refugees supported by Coallia. They must regain their autonomy after a long stay in accommodation.

You can therefore help with a job search, for example.

You meet the refugee at least twice a month, for leisure activities: going for a coffee, playing sports, going out with the family, etc.

Depending on the needs and interests of the exiled person, you are free to choose the activities together.

Sponsorship works both ways: you provide support to the refugee and you learn from their experience in return.

How to do it?

 Find the accommodation centre on the Coallia map

Here is the form .

The different steps are detailed here .

A meeting with other volunteers is organized, in order to meet the teams accompanying the refugees and to have more information on the program.

As soon as a person or a family obtains refugee status, you are contacted by our teams who will suggest that you organize a first exchange with your godchild. The first meeting takes place at the center in the presence of the social worker.

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andressa bittencourtandressa bittencourtAdmin
houssam kokachhoussam kokachAdmin
olga b.olga b.Translator
alhindi nouralhindi nourTranslator
aman expertaman expertTranslator
rohullah expertrohullah expertTranslator
simon karleskindsimon karleskindTranslator
zahraa fahimzahraa fahimTranslator