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Passerelle emploi réfugiés

Passerelle emploi réfugiés - AHS-FC

No description of the structure available
Email address
Phone number
Postal address
16 rue Gambetta 25000 Besançon
Departments of action
25 - Doubs
Reception hours
Monday from 09h00 to 16h30
Tuesday from 09h00 to 16h30
Wednesday from 09h00 to 16h30
Thursday from 09h00 to 16h30
Friday from 09h00 to 16h30
Saturday : closed
Sunday : closed

Activities and services

Support towards employment
Support towards employment

Job hunting

Putting people in touch
Putting people in touch

Job hunting

Coaching / Follow-up in employment
Coaching / Follow-up in employment

Job hunting

Assessment and definition of the project
Assessment and definition of the project

Job hunting
