Important information
With Temporary Accomodation Center (CPH in French)

Target audience
Availability requested
Where is it?
Get accommodation and social support
What is it?
A 9-month stay in furnished accommodation:
- an apartment for families
- a private room in an apartment of three for people alone.
During the accommodation, there are supports for daily life:
- help with administrative procedures
- access to health care
- help finding a French course
- support for parents (school for children, childcare, activities, etc.)
- research an accommodation
- tips to look for a training course or work
- discovery of French society.
Why is it interesting?
- Equipped accommodation (furniture, equipment, etc.)
- Tips for cleaning your home and living with other people.
A CPH social worker is available every day to help you find solutions based on your situation.
An accommodation allows you to have some time to better understand life in France and to prepare yourself for having independent accommodation.
How to do it?
To apply for an accommodation in this CPH, you have to ask to a social worker (at the CADA or HUDA, at the town hall, etc.) to contact the OFII.
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