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Mission locale de l'arrondissement de Dijon - Milo Dijon

La Mission Locale accueille tous les Jeunes de 16 à 25 ans sortis du système scolaire, avec diplôme, sans diplôme, avec un projet ou sans projet, inscrit ou non à Pôle Emploi.
Email address
No email address provided
Phone number
Postal address
8 rue du Temple 21000 DIJON
Departments of action
21 - Côte-d'Or
Reception hours
Monday from 08h15 to 12h15 and from 13h00 to 17h00
Tuesday from 08h15 to 12h15 and from 13h00 to 17h00
Wednesday from 08h15 to 12h15 and from 13h00 to 17h00
Thursday from 08h15 to 12h15 and from 13h00 to 17h00
Friday from 08h15 to 12h15 and from 13h00 to 16h00
Saturday : closed
Sunday : closed

Activities and services

Support towards employment
Support towards employment

Job hunting

Putting people in touch
Putting people in touch

Job hunting

Coaching / Follow-up in employment
Coaching / Follow-up in employment

Job hunting

Assessment and definition of the project
Assessment and definition of the project

Job hunting

Financial aid
Financial aid


Health check-up
Health check-up


Psychological support
Psychological support


Global support
Global support


Reception of minors
Reception of minors

