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Important information

With Du Stade vers l'emploi (From the Stadium to employment)

France Travail
Proposed byFrance Travail

Target audience

AudienceStatutory refugees, Beneficiaries of subsidiary protection, Beneficiaries of temporary protection, Stateless people, French citizens


Free of charge

Availability requested

Duration of commitmentAbout 7 hours


Be in possession of a residence permit or a receipt
Be registered with France Travail

Where is it?

Meet employers during a sports day

Updated on 4 місяці тому

What is it?

It is a sports event organized in a stadium, to help job seekers meet employers who are recruiting.

“Du Stade Vers l'Emploi” events are organized in many stadiums all across France , throughout the year. Sports activities are easy and accessible at all levels.

This event lasts one day and has two parts:

  • a sports morning: job seekers and recruiters participate together in sports activities anonymously (no one knows who is a recruiter and who is a job seeker: you only know the first names of the participants).
  • a recruitment afternoon: at noon, all the participants gather around a table to share a meal, still anonymously. At the end of the meal, the recruiters reveal themselves. You can then speak with them and apply for their job offers, still in a relaxed atmosphere.

The recruiters are looking for candidates in different sectors: catering, sales, hotels...

You don't need to bring your resume or be the most athletic. The tests are adapted to reveal your talents and soft-skills: team spirit, ability to listen, responsiveness... What the recruiters want is to find profiles that fit the needs and values of their company.

To participate in a “Du Stade Vers l'Emploi” day, you must have a work permit in France and be registered with Pôle Emploi.

Why is it interesting?

During this sports day, you can meet employers from different fields who are recruiting in your area.

This is a good opportunity to find a job near you.

During this day, recruiters and candidates can discover each other differently, without the stress of a traditional professional interview.

The afternoon talks take place in a relaxed atmosphere, in jogging and sneakers, on the lawn or in the stands of the stadium.

You can participate in simple sporting activities, accessible to all.

This is an opportunity to play sports and have a good time sharing a meal with all the participants.

How to do it?

Contact your Pôle emploi referent to ask him/her where the next Du Stade Vers l'Emploi is located, closest to your home.

If you are not yet registered with Pôle emploi, you can read this sheet to find out how to register.
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13 contributors mobilized

houssam kokachhoussam kokachAdmin
claudia mclaudia mAdmin
a mugniera mugnierAdmin
guillaume dumas (pe)guillaume dumas (pe)Translator
olga b.olga b.Translator
rohullah expertrohullah expertTranslator