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Automatic registration with France Travail
What is it?
Since January 2025 and the law for full employment, registration with France Travail is automatic for RSA beneficiaries or applicants, or if you are or wish to be supported by a community aid project (for young people).
This registration allows you to:
- benefit from additional support in your search for employment or training,
- simplify your procedures with the professionals who support you. The aim is to guarantee you comprehensive follow-up and responses adapted to your needs.
Once you've registered, you'll have access to all of France Travail's services to help you with your procedures and discover the opportunities available to you. You now have a personal France Travail space to manage your documents, read your mail and track your actions online.
How to do it?
You are automatically registered with France Travail because you are in one of the following situations:
- A beneficiary of the Revenu de Solidarité Active (RSA).
- You are a spouse, defacto husband/wife or civil partner of an RSA beneficiary. The RSA is a social benefit for a household: you are also a beneficiary of the RSA. You are therefore registered with France Travail, even if you work.
- Registered with a community aid project: in a Parcours Contractualisé Accompagnement vers l’Emploi et l’Autonomie (PACEA) or in a Contrat d’Engagement Jeune (CEJ).
- If you are not yet supported by an organization, your registration will allow you to have adapted support. The organization most suited to your situation and needs will contact you (Conseil départemental or partners, community aid project, France Travail, etc.). Your path to employment will be built with the person from the organization who will support you.
Your current financial assistance will remain unchanged. You simply need to continue your usual procedures to receive it. For example:
- You are a young person enrolled in the “Parcours Contractualisé d'Accompagnement vers l'Emploi et l'Autonomie” (PACEA) or in the “Contrat d'Engagement Jeune” (CEJ). Your registration does not affect your benefits (ACEJ, PACEA). The conditions remain the same, and your contacts remain the same.
- You are an RSA beneficiary. The conditions for obtaining, keeping and paying your RSA remain unchanged. You must continue to declare your income every 3 months to your usual contacts.
You are automatically registered with France Travail because you are in one of the following situations:
- You have applied for the Revenu de Solidarité Active (RSA).
- Your spouse, defacto husband/wife or civil partner has applied for RSA. The RSA is a social benefit for a household: you are also a beneficiary of the RSA. You are therefore registered with France Travail, even if you work.
- You are looking for a job and have requested support from a community aid project.
The Caisse d'Allocations Familiales (CAF) or the MSA (Mutualité Sociale Agricole), to which you have applied, will inform you of its decision. Contact them if you have any questions about the progress of your application.
What are the next steps?
- The organization most suited to your situation will contact you shortly (France Travail, Conseil départemental or partners, Mission Locale...).
- Together with an advisor, you will draw up a personalized report detailing the actions you need to take to find a job. These activities will be set out in a “commitment contract”.
- Depending on your situation, you will need to update your information with France Travail monthly to remain registered and continue to benefit from our support and services.
What happens next?
Once you've registered, it is mandatory to “update” your details with France Travail monthly. This allows you to keep your rights to benefits, if you have any, and access to related support and assistance.
Updating your situation means that you are still looking for a job OR that you have found a job.
You must declare all salaried and non-salaried activities you have carried out during the month (fixed-term, permanent, temporary, entrepreneurial, training, etc.), and whether you have been on sick leave.
If you fail to do so, you risk being struck off the France Travail register (i.e. removed from the list of France Travail users).
You can update your situation:
- on the Internet in your personal space,
- on the “My space” mobile application,
- by telephone at 3949 (no translation possible, only if you have a good command of French).
- or in an agency with the help of an advisor.
France Travail has access to information from other authorities, such as the tax authorities. If you declare different information or make a mistake, you must also inform France Travail.
If France Travail sends you too much money in relation to your situation (an “overpayment”), it has the duty to ask you to pay it back. But be careful: if you don't report an error, this is considered “fraud”. You could be penalized.
You must have a valid residence permit (i.e. unexpired) to remain registered with France Travail.
- To do this, you need to renew your residence permit at least 3 months before it expires. You can do this on the Étrangers en France (ANEF) website, or at the prefecture, depending on your situation.
> Read: the Réfugié fact sheet “Renewing a residence permit” - As soon as you receive your attestation de prolongation d'instruction (API) or your receipt, you must present it to the reception desk of your France Travail agency near your home.
- When you get your final residence permit, you must also present it at the reception desk of your France Travail agency.
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